Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Sometimes I wonder what keeps me going. Really. I have been pushing myself to use more than 10 % of my brain since this American experience dawned on me. It has been really rewarding to see and learn my potentials and realize that I am no superhuman. BUT since two years ago, I have realized that becoming superhuman takes practice.

I am a superhuman now.

But then again, my definition of superhuman might differ or vary from yours. To me, being superhuman is about accepting your strengths and rising potentials while acknowledging the many flaws that one has with the passion of improving it to a better state. To do this, I am not afraid of falling down because I know I have the courage and patience to pick myself up. being superhuman to me is also about living for yourself by living for others. I want to be there for everyone I love when they need me or need help in general or just BE THERE. My two hugest assets in life are my familiy and friends. We cannot chose family but I turn out to have an awesome one. Friends..well...they rock my world. Well, that is my definition of being superhuman.

You see, many people find different things that matters to them. One man's meat is another man's poison, they say. Very true. Until you find what truly makes you happy, you will never be satisfied with life. But to find what makes you happy is the essence of the superhuman journey. I am still discovering the many things in life that make me happy and this journey is never over until my last breath leaves my body. That is the best part I feel. There is so much more waiting for me out there; good and bad; they both make me. If they break me, I will find new wings to get up and fly again. It is easier said than done, I know. But try practicing what you preach, and it can be easy one way or the other.

Always keep your options open. When you close your mind to one path, how would you ever notice the crack on the side door that holds a whole new world? If you only notice, all the answers are actually out there, you just have to remember to open your heart and mind along with your eyes. At this very moment, I am supposed to be studying for an exam and starting a paper that is due tomorrow but all this revelation of the superhuman journey that i am experiencing is forcing me to make this moment count by documenting my emotions on mr.spidey's "saliva". Exams, papers, they come and go but moments they never come back.



Procrastination is my middle name
that i seldom realize
but the clock is now ticking
the remaining time will surely suffice

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